Monday, December 16, 2013

ASHA and the end of another semester...

The Fall semester is officially finished and only a few more days of work to go until I am officially on break. What a crazyemotionalbusy semester, it's no wonder I haven't had time to write many posts!

So here are some highlights from this semester:

Clinic - My first week of clinic I seriously thought I was going to have to drop out of grad school and move back to Korea - I was thinking about all the many possible escape plans I could come up with before I made myself calm down and look at what was going on more objectively. You can read more about it in my post Anxious in East Michigan. I obviously survived... it was around mid-term when I started to feel more confident in my ability to actually do this. And you know what? I can do this!

ASHA convention - This year the ASHA convention was held in Chicago and it was exciting, overwhelming, fun, interesting, huge, intellectually stimulating, caused a bit of sensory overload, and overall it was AWESOME! I got to meet up with USUpeeps from my online post-bacc, I attended some really great sessions on CAS, TBI, apraxia, aphasia, autism, and I took in some Chicago sights. It may be a while before I can attend another convention, but I am really glad I was able to attend it at least once as a student.

Graduate Assistant - So this semester I became a graduate assistant at the Children's Institute at EMU. Other than the large increase of hours and a small increase in responsibilities, overall it was an easy transition from student employee to becoming a part of the professional staff. I definitely considered work my "safe space" this semester and working with 18 months to 3 year olds has definitely sparked an interest in early intervention. They are a pretty amazing age group to work with. My biggest struggle with becoming a G.A. has been time management... and it will continue to be a work in progress next semester when I will have 2 clients in clinic.

Overall it was another great semester, only a bit more emotional than previous semesters!

So now that another semester finished, what's next?

Winter '14 - Next semester I will be taking Voice, AAC, and clinic 2. I will receive an adult client in clinic 2 and will hopefully retain my child client. I will still be a G.A. at the Children's Institute and I will be starting the process of securing my adult internship for Summer '14. I will also start the process of securing my child internship for Fall '14. I have ideas of where I would like to be placed for both internships and it will be exciting to find out where I will end up!

Here's to being another step further along in my journey from an #slp2b to an #slpeep :)

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