Thursday, December 20, 2012

Looking Back: Fall '12

I survived my first semester as an speech-language pathology graduate student!!  There were a few moments around finals that I wasn't so sure I was going to make it, but I did.  :)

Looking back on my first semester in SLP grad school, I thought I would focus on all the positives and here are all the good things that have come out of going to Eastern Michigan University so far:

-My clinical methods class: I learned so much in that class.  The prof. had many relevant personal examples about working with various clients in different settings.  He really explained things well and helped us analyze our mistakes.  He also gave us many opportunities for "hands on" practice with case studies, videos, and developing goals in small groups collaboratively as well as working individually on our own.  My favorite class this semester and it has made me
more excited about this summer when I get my first clients!

-Two things from my artic/phono impairments class:
     -putting together my oral periph kit for articulation.  We only used it once in class, but it's great to have it all set and ready when we get into clinic.
     -putting together my project 3 resource binder of artic/phono resources that's packed full of goodies such as info on different assessments used, different normative charts, phonological processes, techniques and approaches, tangible materials, games, activity ideas, word lists, and word picture cards.  It will be a great reference when I (finally) get to clinic. I love this idea so much that I am already planning a language resource binder and an aphasia binder for next semester.

-Neuro: It was a bit of a great big challenge tackling this last section we studied, but the brain is FASCINATING.

-Research Methods: though I didn't particularly enjoy my Research Methods class, I do feel like I can approach an article and analyze it for it's clinical usefulness and EBP.  It also gave me a bit more direction on what I've been researching informally on my own.

-This is outside of my regular classes, but I've been researching articles that look at the connection between speech and language impairments due to either cancer and/or chemotherapy.  I am not looking necessarily at brain or laryngeal cancer, but other cancers such as leukemia and breast cancer.  I also found a book that I am looking forward to reading when I have more time this winter break.  I may even start a binder for this particular area as well!

I became interested in this area after I talked to my aunt who has breast cancer.  She was telling me about having word retrieval problems and memory problems due to chemotherapy.  I started to think about kids who could be typically developing otherwise, how does chemo affect their language and speech, and how do SLPs work with these children with leukemia and other cancers.  I'm hoping to do my (future) child placement in a children's cancer hospital.  It's going to be emotionally intense but I think it will be a great learning experience.

-This semester has also given me a great group of friends to study with.  We are all so busy with our lives outside of school, but I look forward to when we get together for study sessions... and there have been many study sessions this semester!  They've helped keep me on track for assignments and what to study for exams as well as sane when I obsess worry about things like my neuro final.  I really missed this sort of in-person interaction while I was going online for my post-bacc at Utah State University.

-I love my job at the Children's Institute!  I'm hoping that I can get a GA position there for next Fall.  Fingers crossed, voodoo, and all that jazz.  :)

Overall it's been a really great semester... some ups and downs, a little bit of a struggle towards the end, but I am still so thankful I got into grad school and I've been rockin' it!  Every step I take brings me closer to becoming an SLP.  I really can't wait to feel more competent in what I am learning about and I can't wait to get into clinic!

My favorite quote this semester:

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."  

--Maya Angelou


And now it's time to enjoy winter break... see you next semester.  :)


  1. Sounds like you have a potential Master's Thesis topic!

    1. I've thought about it! Not sure I want to go the thesis route...

  2. Binders are driving me crazy, I was supposed to get all my undergrad stuff together so I can have a reference for this semester but papers are still stuffed in bags and in bins. :( I'm not very good at sitting still and organizing papers. Study groups are awesome, they are really necessary in some classes.

  3. All of my undergrad stuff is on my desktop in individual folders... it helped that my post bacc was online so I never printed anything out! I should print some of it out and put into relevant grad binders... of which there is only one so far. :)

    I love my study group!
