Sunday, March 3, 2013


So it's my spring break... it officially started Thursday night after work at 1pm and so far it's involved a lot of sleeping in, netflix and retail therapy, but that's about to change. Starting today, this is my opportunity to get a crapload of stuff done! I am continuing my crazy busy February into a crazy busy March, but things will slow down again after the 13th. The week after spring break is ridiculous: 2 exams, 1 group presentation, possible retake of the clinical readiness test, 2nd half of my group diagnostic with report write-ups and assessment scorings that go along with it. After the 13th I can breath again.

First up this week, I have two exams to study for that will happen the Monday and Tuesday after we get back from break (thank you professors!) and I have twelve chapters to read for one of those exams... yikes! Quizlets and study guides will be my friends this week.

This week I am also going to Royal Oak for an aphasia observation. It's an aphasia group that has 2 clients with fluent aphasia and 2 with nonfluent aphasia. I only need to observe a fluent aphasia but I am very happy that I will also have the opportunity to observe a nonfluent one as well. I'm really cutting it close with this
observation date since the write up is due the Tuesday after spring break. Fingers crossed that the weather cooperates!

I am part of three group projects this semester: hearing conservation group, an in-service presentation group (on an audiology related topic), and a conduction aphasia group so this week we are starting to research our topics and organize the information. First up is my hearing conservation group's presentation to our class on the Tuesday after spring break. This is pretty much our practice run-through where we will get feedback from our classmates before we go to a 1st grade elementary class in Ypsilanti and educate them on hearing safety. I love that we get to present to a 1st grade class. :) 

For the in-service presentation, my partner and I are hoping to write and present on unilateral hearing loss in children and educational outcomes. We've found tons of journal articles already but don't want to go any further until the topic is approved by our prof. We have an outline set and ready to be emailed after we get back from spring break. Here's to hoping it gets approved quickly. 

My last group project/presentation is on conduction aphasia. When we were told that we needed to find aphasia observation sites, we were also told that we should try to find a site with our specific aphasia... conduction aphasia is a very rare aphasia in the rare category of fluent aphasias. Thank goodness we were also told that if we could not find our specific aphasia to observe, that we could observe any aphasia in the same category as our assigned aphasia (fluent vs nonfluent). I knew conduction aphasia would be pretty hard to find, but I didn't realize that fluent aphasia is pretty rare in comparison to nonfluent aphasia. I found about a half dozen nonfluent sites to observe at quickly, but it took me much longer to pin down a fluent one. Again, fingers crossed that the weather is nice this Thursday! 

Anyway, back to the group project/presentation on conduction aphasia - we have to come up with a brochure/handout on our specific aphasia that would be useful to educate a specific group (healthcare professionals, family members, caregivers, etc.) that includes communication strategies, treatment plan, and activities. We then have to present to our class in a mock educational session that also involves answering the questions of our target population. Even though I am still not comfortable presenting in front of my classmates, I am excited to work on this project.

So, as if I wasn't busy enough this spring break, I also picked up two shifts at work. Spring break at the Children's Institute is an optional week and I am poor, so off to work I go on Monday and Tuesday this week. 

I'm glad I lazed about these past couple of days, but it's been hard to resist diving in and tackling all of the above. Today is go day and I'm not stopping much until the 13th... I do have to say that though I am much busier this semester, I am loving all that I am learning and I'm glad to be an slp2b. :)


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