Monday, January 7, 2013

Ready... Set...

I'm excited to get back into the grad school groove, but I have to admit I wouldn't have minded another week off before starting.  I had a great winter break!  I went on road trips to see family in WI and upper MI, I overindulged in lots of delicious food (my mom and J's mom are superb cooks!), and indulged in lots of sleepsleepsleep.  There were also many netflix marathons and of course a lot of time wasted spent on facebook, twitter, and pinterest. A lot of laziness all around!  

And speaking of laziness, after the new year I decided to get more active and participate in the #ASHAFit13 challenge and incorporate other exercises into my daily routine.  I have been so focused on school and studying these past couple of years that I have been completely neglecting my body... and it's starting to show.  I've never been a super active person to begin with, but while living overseas I walked EVERYWHERE... now, it's get into my car and go.  And when I have any down time from school and studying, I have DOWN TIME.

When I saw the #ASHAFit13 challenge on twitter, I became motivated and today was my 6th day of getting my arse into shape.   I've been pretty sore since starting, but once I get moving and I've done a workout I feel AWESOME! I'm glad I started this before I went back to school... I will stay focused.  Exercise is supposed to be good for the mind too!

Now it's back to school time so there will be no more exercise talk on this blog beyond this post.

No more excuses.  

I'm off to my first class of Winter '13 so... ready... set... goooooooo!

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